National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC)®
A National Career Readiness Certificate is earned by completing the three WorkKeys assessments
- Applied Math
- Workplace Documents
- Graphic Literacy
Also available in Spanish:
- Matemáticas aplicadas
- Documentos de trabajo
- Alfabetización gráfica
Four levels of proficiency
The ACT NCRC is awarded at four levels, based on the scores achieved on the component assessments.
- Platinum: Scores of Level 6 or higher on all three exams
- Gold: Scores of Level 5 or higher on all three exams
- Silver: Scores of Level 4 or higher on all three exams
- Bronze: Scores of Level 3 or higher on all three exams
NCRC Information Flyer - Printer friendly PDF
Updated Exams
- WATC-051 NCRC Certificate Bundle - $69
- NCRC Applied Math
- NCRC Workplace Documents
- NCRC Graphic Literacy
Purchase Exam Bundle
(Applied math, Workplace documents & Graphic literacy)
- Click: ARIES Registration
- Click the "Select" button next to your desired section of WATC-051 NCRC Certificate Bundle - $69. A window appears.
- Click "Add Section to Cart". A success message appears.
- Click the "Next" button in the top right corner.
- Ignore the Building and Classroom information. You are purchasing an exam voucher for 3 exams with proctor fees included
- Enter your personal and credit card information. Your receipt will be immediately emailed to you.
- If it doesn't, check with our office at 413-755-4225.
- After 2 business days, call the Testing Center to schedule your exams (413-755-4507)
Purchase Retake Exam
- Click the link below for the exam you need to retake.
- Click the SELECT box for the exam you need to retake. A window appears.
- Ignore the Building and Classroom information. You are purchasing a retake exam voucher with proctor fees included.
- Click "Add Section to Cart". A success message appears.
- Click the "Next" button in the top right corner.
- Enter your personal and credit card information. Your receipt will be immediately emailed to you.
- If it doesn't, check with our office at 413-755-4225.
- After 1 business day, call the Testing Center to schedule your exam (413 755-4507)
Scheduling and Taking your Exams
- 博彩网站 needs time to process this request before you can schedule your exam
- The full exam battery takes approximately 2.5 - 3 hours.
- You will not be allowed to sit for the test without an appointment
- You will need to bring a current government issued ID
- You will be given a parking pass for your vehicle’s dashboard when you check in (Not necessary when school is on semester break)
- Results for the exams will be given to you after the tests with a printout.
NCRC Information and Certificate Verification
- NCRC Information Flyer - Printer friendly PDF